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Recently we've been uploading custom guitar pictures and some other pictures in our workshop about daily guitar making contents. The 2 sections will be published next week!!!

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  We've sucessfully finished the development of a 32 inches MINI OM guitar, it sounds crystal,clear and balanced with Tibet spruce top and madagascar rosewood b&s. The resonance is quite impressive as such a small guitar. Here're some pictures and video. We'll probably provide a model of this body shape in the designer series in the near future.    Also we'll soon offer a custom wood pickguard service, check pictures below. A cocobolo pickguard with a proper custom inlay will be at around $50 USD.

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Dear customers,   The new customshop page is done   And we're about to publish a new model at around $1000 USD with a fancy top inlay(half finished):

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Last year we started our new journey in a new workshop and got a very important luthier and partner who make really great guitars. The COVID-19 has strongly affected our original plan. And it’s still affecting us and the whole industry. With our painstaking efforts, we’ve basically overcomed all developing and trail&error processes to make guitars with better resonance and better sound performance. At the same time we also give an insight into the tonewood field, we’ve been storing and processing better tonewoods. Although we’ve devoted a lot of fund, time and efforts to the carrer, especially during the very...

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